The African Commission for the Supervision of Elections CASE is a platform of civil society organizations which brings together more than 70 organizations specializing in: Civic and electoral education; observation of elections at the national and international level; Electoral assistance; Analysis of elections; Electoral consultation; Training and awareness; promotion and inclusion of gender; Management of unarmed conflicts; Human Rights; Good Governance and Democracy; fight against corruption;Fight against all forms of discriminationConflict resolution.CASE includes more than 85,000 members spread across the entire extent of Africa. It is represented in several African countries.

CASE includes a steering committee made up of 8 members, a design office, a general secretariat, a treasurer and three directorates including the directorate responsible for gender promotion , responsible for electoral observation and monitoring and the directorate responsible for human rights. 


The African Commission for the Supervision of Elections (CASE) in acronym was created in 2009 by Mr. SIMARO NGONGO MBAYO, Expert/Analyst and international consultant in election management. electoral process.


Contribute to the strengthening of democratic achievements and the promotion of credible and transparent elections throughout the world; Contribute as a priority to the promotion of democratic values ​​and principles; Act through concrete actions for the promotion of free, fair, credible and legitimate elections as a fundamental and prerequisite for democratic management; Train Electoral Observers and participate in election observation in order to be able to formulate constructive suggestions aimed at improvement of the conditions for organizing credible elections in the future; Promote the emergence of other NGOs/D pursuing the same objectives; Promote and support good governance as well as the development of representative democratic institutions; Ensure respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms with a view to guaranteeing democratic alternation and the exercise of power in accordance with the rule of law; Promote the holding regular, transparent, free and fair elections in order to institutionalize legitimate authority and government as well as democratic changes in government Promote the creation of movements to defend and support civil rights in rural areas; Act on the culture of discrimination of the woman who makes her undergo harsh ordeals by reducing her to the role of a simple housewife rather than an actor in society; Providing assistance and electoral engineering Combating ignorance on the three aspects: 1st aspect: ignorance as a fragmentary and superficial possession of the city; 2nd aspect: ignorance as an arch-false possession on what civil society should do to emerge from torpor, get out of poverty and influence the emergence of a democratic state respectful of the requirements of good governance; 3rd aspect: ignorance as a total absence on the part of the population of information on the democratic management of the city.


The means of action to enable the “CASE” organization to achieve its objectives are:

The organization of conferences, seminars and training at the national, international, provincial and local levels; electoral awareness and cultural activities; Affiliation with National and International Organizations and Agencies for Human Rights, development and promotion of credible elections; The collection and dissemination of information against the HIV/AIDS pandemic and drugs in urban and rural areas for the protection of members and the environment; The creation of radio and television channels as communication networks for the exchange of information between the organization and the people.


In everything we do, we seek to promote the following values : Tolerance, integrity, justice, peaceful resolution of conflicts, dialogue, transparency, equity; Building trust between governors and governed with the strategy: listen then act with an open mind. Show our attachment to the African continent in general because the lives of the Africans we touch, the local communities we address and the environment in which we live is very important to us. Modeling the future through the search for new leadership to achieve the African renaissance. We set goals and make difficult decisions while minimizing risks to succeed. In everything we do, we always insist on excellence, probity, honesty and promptness in the execution of tasks.


Our biggest dream for Africa and Congo lies in a growing and ambitious vision focused on the rebuilding of civil society, the creation of female leadership, the work in synergy with social educators and primary, secondary and university education institutions for the construction of democratic culture. In addition, CASE also aims to make women capable of actively participating in the construction of a democratic society by being an activist within civil society and political parties so that they can later become leaders. Africa's provision of credible election observers, monitors and supervisors. All this we will do by maximizing the human potential, expertise and commitment of our members without forgetting the magical value particular to Africa which is solidarity.


-Civic and electoral education,- Election observation; Electoral assistance; Election analysis; Electoral consultation; Training and awareness; gender promotion and integration; Management of unarmed conflicts; Human Rights; Good Governance and Democracy; fight against corruption;Fight against all forms of discrimination Conflict resolution;Assistance to national actors victims of political intolerance in the pre-electoral, electoral and post-electoral periods in Africa;Peace and development aid.


Joining the African Commission for the Supervision of Elections: means fighting alongside us for the improvement of our electoral governance, in Africa and in the world. It means standing up against any form of manipulation of elections, all cheating and other forms of fraud linked to elections in order to perfect our democracy. It is to fully embody the fight for civic education, awareness-raising and consultation around each electoral cycle. We can rejoice in the progress of democratic systems in the world and in Africa, without forgetting that for its strategic position at the heart of the continent, the Democratic Republic of Congo still has efforts to make.  

CASE wants to responsibly support the young democracy through its support for the CENI and stakeholders in the electoral process. As an association, CASE draws a large part of its capacity for action and its financial base from the support of its members. It is thanks to your generosity that the organization will preserve its moral and financial freedom to carry out its missions. Your support is essential to our successes, and will continue to be essential to the challenges that await us. These funds are essential to ensure the proper functioning of our organization and continue our action. So, by supporting CASE… 1. You are campaigning for effective electoral monitoring. We tirelessly denounce all attacks on democracy, human rights and the credibility of elections. 2. You contribute to the financing of our projects.