Constitution: When Stravos Papaioannou soaps the poor MLC Jacques Djoli Eseng’Ekeli. The former CEO of Hewa Bora Airways is expanding a severe requiem for the constitutionalist of jacket jacket Jacques Djoli Eseng’Ekeli, occasional rapporteur of the National Assembly. 

- It is our victory that I would like to celebrate today, this battle that the people led and won against these manipulators who try to sow doubt in the minds of the Congolese, Seeking to make people believe that the tampering of the Constitution is a boon!

- I thank above all, all those who did not be influenced by this alleged professor, whose only argument in our exchanges was To highlight my Hellenic origins!

- Manipulation is the most insidious form of violence, because it touches the mind and not the body. And then, M.@Jacdjo1, have you forgotten that the Kenyan origins failed to make Barack Obama back?

- Xenophobic, this junk teacher, this misguided intellectual, this political sicar ... And I am not exaggerating, let us remember how Jean-Pierre Bemba had faith in him, saying that he would not sign the report of Joséph Kabila's victory in the 2006 elections! As a rapporteur of the CEI, appointed by the MLC, he believed he could oppose this publication.

- Fales, liar, manipulator, he had finally co-signed with Apollinaire Malumalu, to the Disarrai of JPB ... thus causing the fall of the latter and everything that follows.

- The manipulation had already taken up residence in this man for a long time! Remember this: Truth is still the first victim of manipulators. 

- In summary, let's be firm and non-consensual: there will be no modification of the Constitution to allow this predatory oligarchy, to continue this systematic looting of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

- Corruption, flights, arbitrary arrests, assassinations, cities invaded by dirt: this is what we have been undergoing for six years, and this must stop, whether willingly or by force!

- Our reflex will now have to anchor in the hearts of each of us: all those who wish to modify the Constitution will be considered as traitors to the nation.

- I tell you, this is Our real war because manipulators feed on confusion and fear, they thrive where doubt reigns.

- We will triumph over these predators, and history will inscribe in gold letters the chapters of our resistance.

Stravos papaioannou

old CEO of Hewa Bora Airways

Simaro ngongo

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