War Sunday in Minjenje (Walikale): clashes broke out at 2:59 p.m. and detonations were heard in Pinga, FDLR military base.

Sunday of war in Minjenje (Walikale): clashes broke out at 2:59 p.m. and detonations were heard in Pinga, FDLR military base.
- From 2:59 p.m. this Sunday, October 27, 2024, the locality of Minjenje, located in the Kisimba group, was the scene of violent fights between the rebels of the M23 and the young Wazalendo. In addition to the clashes in Minjenje, fighting also broke out in Katobo between the NDC/R and the AFC/m23 forces.
- The forces faithful to Félix Tshisekedi, supported by the defense volunteers of the defense of the defense volunteers Country (VDP), have tried to maintain their presence at Petit, without resistance capacity. They wanted to prevent any advance from the AFC to Pinga, an important agglomeration of the territory of Walikale.
- jus that the villages conquered by the AFC/m23 in Walikale are: Malemo, Mpeti, Bulai , Minjenje, Kalembe, Kitono and Binginggi. Some officers and soldiers of the government coalition sent to Walikale refuse to fight and General Chicko Tshitambwe arrived on Saturday would have fled to the locality of Mwavinywa.
"Good news from the front begin to Soothing the Congolese people who ardently awaits the sidelining of Félix Tshisekedi by Corneille Nangaa "
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